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Thomas Frey      

Leading Visionary, Futurist & Executive Director of the DaVinci Institute

Thomas Frey is a renowned futurist, visionary, and influential thought leader in the field of technology driven change and innovation. With a passion for exploring emerging trends and disruptive technologies, he has established himself as a leading voice in shaping the future of various industries.

As a former award winning IBM engineer Frey currently serves as the Executive Director of the DaVinci Institute a highly respected think tank based in Colorado; Frey has been at the forefront of pioneering research and analysis on the impact of technological advancements on society, business, and the global economy. His insights have earned him recognition as a sought-after speaker, advisor, and consultant to numerous organizations, Fortune 500 companies, and government entities.

Frey captivates audiences with his engaging presentations that blend futurism, technology, and innovation. He challenges conventional thinking, encourages creative problem-solving, and empowers individuals and organizations to embrace change and adapt to the dynamic landscape of the future.

With an impressive track record of accurately predicting future trends, Frey continues to be a leading voice in shaping the discourse around the future of humanity and the potential of disruptive technologies. His pioneering work inspires individuals and organizations to harness the power of innovation, enabling them to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

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