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Topher González Ávila  

Community Advocate

Topher González Ávila was born in México City, México and grew up in Dallas, Tejas. Topher is the first person in his Deaf LSM (Lengua de Señas Mexicana) family to graduate from high school. He completed his undergraduate studies in Criminal Justice and RTVF (Radio, Television & Film) at University of North Texas in 2015. He then graduated from Gallaudet University with a M.A. in Sign Language Education (MASLED) in 2017. Topher currently works at Gallaudet University as an adjunct professor, a freelance video editor and a community Deaf interpreter. As a Deaf Queer Person of Color, Topher recognizes the importance of social justice and intersectionality. He advocates for equal rights, equal access and equity, whether it be through teaching, interpreting or filmmaking.

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