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Vince Molinaro
Leadership Advisor & New York Times Bestselling Author of "The Leadership Contract: The Fine Print to Becoming a Great Leader"
Vince Molinaro, Ph.D., is a New York Times best-selling author, strategic leadership adviser, speaker, and global expert on leadership accountability.
As founder and CEO of Leadership Contract Inc. (LCI), Molinaro has worked with organizations from start-ups to Fortune 500, in 25 countries and over 80 cities. He and his team equip leaders to navigate critical strategic leaps in their companies by scaling accountability and community. His most recent books include "Accountable Leaders" and the revised version of "The Leadership Contract". His books are translated into multiple languages and form the foundation for many leadership programs in companies around the world. His newest book, Community of Leaders, will be released in 2024.
As a speaker, Molinaro brings a unique combination of provocative storytelling, research-based principles, grounded practicality, and the courage to tell it like it is. He was named by All American Speakers Bureau as one of the Top Business Speakers in 2023.
Molinaro and his teams have designed and delivered many award-winning leadership development programs. The Leadership Contract program is regarded as a top international training program by and has won several thought leadership awards.
Many leading business publications and podcasts regularly feature Molinaro's research and ideas on leadership accountability. He shares his insights in his "Gut Check for Leaders" blog and on his Lead the Future video podcast. The Leadership Accountability Academy™ is LCI’s digital platform where leaders can take courses and learn how to be more accountable. As a leader, Molinaro strives to practice what he preaches by setting the tone of accountability every day.
Speech Topics
Community of Leaders
What it takes to drive strategy, culture, and change
Too many leaders are stuck living in silos and working at cross purposes with other departments and leaders. They are so focused on internal operations that they can’t see what’s happening around them.
Organizations today need strong and cohesive cultures. Vince helps break down the walls that exist between leaders so that they can collectively execute on strategy and drive better performance.
- Understand what differentiates strong from weak leadership cultures.
- Explore the leadership behaviors critical to accelerating performance.
- Lead with a united front and one-company mindset.
- Sustain and embed culture change over the long-term.
Accountable Leaders™
Inspire a culture where everyone steps up, takes ownership, and delivers results
As companies worldwide are experiencing significant change and disruption on all fronts, the need for strong leadership has never been more urgent. Dr. Vince Molinaro has the proven approach to helping senior leaders unlock high performance and drive their organizations to their maximum potential.
Filled with compelling research and real-world stories, Vince’s keynote shares practical and no-nonsense strategies to scale leadership accountability across the organization.
- Discover what really eats strategy for breakfast.
- Understand why leadership accountability matters.
- Identify the critical inflection points facing your organization.
- Strengthen accountability at a team and organizational level.
- Inspire a culture where everyone steps up, takes ownership, and delivers results.
The Leadership Contract™
Discover the fine print of accountable leadership
Many leaders never understand what it really means to be a leader. They get in by accident, or are lured in by the benefits, while underestimating how much personal work it takes to truly be great.
As a result, they get stuck in mediocrity and struggle to step up to the expectations of their roles. Vince inspires leaders to shift their mindset and recommit to their role – or get out of the way for someone who will.
- Understand the commitment required to be a great leader.
- Step up and set the tone of accountability.
- Roll up their sleeves to tackle the hard work of leadership.
- Build a strong set of relationships to lean on for support and accelerate personal growth.
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