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Wendy Kopp          

CEO of Teach For All & Founder of Teach For America; Childhood Education Advocate

Wendy Kopp is CEO and Co-Founder of Teach For All, a global network of independent organizations that are cultivating many of their nations’ most promising future leaders to ensure their most marginalized children have the chance to fulfill their true potential. Teach For All currently has partner organizations in 49 countries on six continents.

Wendy founded Teach For America in 1989 to marshal the energy of her generation against educational inequity in the United States. She proposed the creation of Teach For America in her undergraduate senior thesis at Princeton in 1989 and has spent the last 23 years working to grow the organization's impact. Today, more than 10,000 Teach For America corps members—outstanding recent college graduates and professionals of all academic disciplines—are in the midst of two-year teaching commitments in 50 urban and rural regions, and Teach For America has proven to be an unparalleled source of long-term leadership for expanding opportunity for children.

After leading Teach For America for 24 years, Wendy moved into the role of chair of the board in 2013. Wendy is also the author of A Chance to Make History: What Works and What Doesn’t in Providing an Excellent Education for All, and One Day, All Children. Wendy is an avid runner, constant traveler, and lives with her four kids and husband in New York.


Teach for America founder to deliver commencement address
Teach for America Founder Wendy Kopp, who helped form a corps of college graduates and professionals to teach in urban and rural public schools, will deliver commencement address at Arizona State University's undergraduate ceremony May 9 at Chase Field in Phoenix.
Kopp, Teach for America's founder, shifts to international role
Nearly 24 years after first sketching out Teach for America in her undergraduate thesis, founding CEO Wendy Kopp is stepping down from running the organization, according to a decision that its board approved on Tuesday.
WATCH: Wendy Kopp discusses Teach For All's approach to ...
In this video, Wendy Kopp, CEO and co-founder of Teach For All, discusses Teach For All's unique approach to building a pipeline of future “learning leaders  ...
Wendy Kopp goes global - Oct. 10, 2013
Two decades after launching Teach for America, social entrepreneur Wendy Kopp is taking her disruptive education model abroad.

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