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Wendy Murawski  

Dr. Wendy Murawski is a tenured Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator in Special Education at California State University, Northridge.

Dr. Wendy Murawski is a tenured Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator in Special Education at California State University, Northridge. Prior to working at the university level, Dr. Murawski was a secondary special educator, as well as a German teacher, in Virginia and California. Numerous years of successful co-teaching experience have led her to focus on collaboration, co-teaching and inclusion as her areas of interest and expertise. She is a national presenter with the Bureau of Education and Research on Co-Teaching at the Secondary Level and enjoys traveling and conducting staff development training. She is often requested to speak at schools, districts, conferences, and training seminars about her classroom experiences and her research in the area of co-teaching. Dr. Murawski is well published in the field, with book chapters, a textbook instructor’s guide, and many peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Teaching Exceptional Children, Remedial and Special Education, Reading and Writing Quarterly, Academic Exchange Quarterly, and Kappa Delta Pi Record among others. She has written a handbook on co-teaching entitled "Co-teaching for Success: Effective strategies for working together in today’s inclusive classrooms." Dr. Murawski founded the educational consulting company 2 Teach, LLC and co-founded the co-teaching software, the Co-Teaching Solutions System. She was also the recipient of the California Distinguished Teacher Educator of the Year award in 2004.


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