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Werner Erhard    

An American critical thinker and author of transformational models and applications for individuals, groups, and organizations.

Werner Erhard has been creating transformational models and applications for individuals and organizations for over 40 years. He has spent his life on a quest to discover the nature and function of being for human beings. For the last decade, Werner Erhard has been at work in the ontological domain, publishing academic papers, most notably on leadership and integrity. He has presented work at, among other institutions, Simon School of Business at Rochester University, Harvard Law School, Erasmus Academie, University of Southern California, MIT’s Sloan School of Management, Millstein Center for Corporate Governance at Yale University, Depaul University and the John F. Kennedy Center for Public Leadership. He and his co-author Michael C. Jensen are writing a book on integrity for Cambridge Press.

Werner Erhard's approach to education was developed orignally in the est training which was organized around individuals producing results and experiencing satisfying lives. As Erhard developed his ideas he applied some of the same ideas and principles to business and trained several management consulting firms in the methodology that he developed in performance and management education.

In 2011, Werner Erhard and his colleagues Michael C. Jensen and Kari Granger were published in The Handbook For Teaching Leadership, Knowing, Doing, and Being. The editors of the book, Dean of Harvard Business School Nitin Nohria, Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana, and Harvard professor Scott Snook had this to say in their introduction to the book: "In a highly provocative chapter titled "Creating Leaders," this eclectic group of scholars argues for adopting a decidedly ontological approach to leadership education that promises to leave students actually being leaders...For these authors, integrity, authenticity, and being committed to something bigger than oneself form the base of 'the context for leadership,' a context that once mastered, leaves one actually being a leader...by following a rigorous, phenomenologically based methodology, students have the opportunity to create for themselves a context that leaves them actually being a leader and exercising leadership effectively as their natural self-expression.”

Throughout his history Erhard has been extremely generous with either creating or contributing to charitable enterprises aimed at improving the quality of life, including working with leaders and grass root leaders in peace and reconciliation in Ireland, international NGOs in the field of development in Africa and India and other developing nations.

Erhard co-founded independent, non-profit charitable enterprises, including: the Breakthrough Foundation, the Hunger Project, the Holiday Project, the Werner Erhard Foundation, and the Education Network. In 1988, Werner Erhard was awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Humanitarian Award in recognition of his contribution to people and society.

In the nearly 20 years of its operation, the Werner Erhard Foundation awarded over $4 million for research, scholarly endeavors, and voluntary action. It provided support to more than 300 outstanding individuals and organizations from a variety of disciplines in the fields of individual and social transformation and human well-being. These recipients made a profound contribution to human thinking, growth, and achievement.

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