Displaying all 17 speakers
Dsc03423 2

Rachel Tobac

Redwood City, CA, USA
033023 bob kocher aae headshot

Bob Kocher

Palo Alto, CA, USA
Think small olaf groth portraits 009 1

Olaf Groth

Solomon's Code: Humanity in a World of Thinking Machines

Berkeley, CA, USA
Sean g x2400 6

Sean Gourley

San Francisco, CA, USA
Jez new new new

Jez Humble

San Francisco, CA, USA
Karin kimbrough chief economist linkedinfounder and ceo roseryan svbj 021621 1200xx3900 2194 0 203

Karin Kimbrough

San Francisco, CA, USA

Eric Siegel

The AI Playbook: Mastering the Rare Art of Machine Learning Deployment (Management on t...

San Francisco, CA, USA
Heidi white wall 2023  1

Heidi Zak

San Francisco, CA, USA
1 ukxybuaf5yqvly7pb2t1dg

Emily Glassberg Sands

San Francisco, CA, USA
101023 simon rogers aae headshot

Simon Rogers

San Francisco, CA, USA

Anthony Goldbloom

San Francisco, CA, USA
Arup banerjee headshot 1 rz

Arup Banerjee

San Francisco, CA, USA

Alon Halevy

San Francisco, CA, USA

Sean Thorne

San Francisco, CA, USA

Doug Fritz

Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Bear Douglas

San Francisco, CA, USA
Jane kelly

Jane Kelly

San Francisco, CA, USA
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