050324 tressie mcmillan cottom phd aae headshot

Tressie McMillan Cottom, Ph.D.

Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy

Richmond, VA, USA
031721 ruby bridges aae headshot

Ruby Bridges

New Orleans, LA, USA / 1 reviews

Debra Peppers

Tampa, FL, USA / 1 reviews
Tim wise

Tim Wise

Nashville, TN, USA / 10 reviews
David houle futurist speaker

David Houle

Moving to a Finite Earth Economy | David Houle | TEDxUofIChicago

Doc bird copy

Stephen Birchak

Orlando, FL, USA

Marci Shimoff

San Francisco, CA, USA / 4 reviews
Adalynn harris phd  mph  mha headshot   adalynn harris ketewa

Adalynn E. Harris

Blacks In Science

Greensboro, NC, USA
Mills rodgers   rodgers speaks

Mills Rodgers

Success Is A Process, Not An Event: Inspiring A Mindset To Flourish As An Educator

Austin, TX, USA

Michael Gorton

Digital Medical Home: How the Telemedicine Revolution Ignited the Creation of Precision...

Dallas, TX, USA
Vbwun6qc 400x400

Agam Pandit

Chicago, IL, USA
Pam didner headshot   lissa blackaby forsterer

Pam Didner

Raleigh, NC, USA
Allenheadshot   k.l. allen

Dr. K.L. Allen

Cincinnati, OH, USA
Sbehraveshbio copy  jpeggif   taryna behravesh

Shirley-Ann Behravesh

Phoenix, AZ, USA
Royel johnson 0185 web

Royel M. Johnson

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Ddwpic   ddw60 sbcglobal.net

David D. Walker

Chicago, IL, USA
Vfhndih90iigjrmpa0qf52afj5848610 final2

Dr. Rumman Chowdhury

London, UK / 2 reviews
Tanima ghosh headshot   tanima ghosh

Tanima Ghosh

Montreal, Canada

Damian Pelliccione

California, USA
Trish millines dziko headshot

Trish Millines Dziko

Seattle, WA, USA
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