052024 sylvia acevedo aae headshot

Sylvia Acevedo

How Sylvia Acevedo Defied Barriers to Become Girl Scout CEO

Santa Barbara, CA, USA
082123 majora carter aae headshot

Majora Carter

New York, NY, USA
W21 f climate 1

Katharine Hayhoe

Lubbock, TX, USA
Scott amyx standing with arms crossed with gray background  1

Scott Amyx

New York, NY, USA
Dr. j headshot

James Canton

Machines That Think: The Good, Bad and Scary of A.I. | Dr. James Canton

San Francisco, CA, USA
Joan michelson   high res

Joan Michelson

Washington, DC, USA
Lydia kostopoulos   photo  1    lydia kostopoulos

Lydia Kostopoulos, PhD

AI and Human Rights | Nova Series Event

Glasgow, UK
Amy capp headshot 2019

Amy Cappellanti-Wolf

Amy's session at Wellbeing at Work World 2024

Cupertino, CA, USA
072623 mark z jacobson aae headshot

Mark Z. Jacobson

Stanford, CA, USA
Mark esposito

Mark Esposito

The Great Remobilization, IIPP in conversation with Mark Esposito ...

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Gillian Caldwell

Washington, DC, USA
Bill nussey headshot square min

Bill Nussey

Atlanta, GA, USA

Sangu Delle

Maria popova founder of b 011

Maria Popova

Brooklyn, NY, USA

Melissa Chiu

Washington, DC, USA

Kay Firth-Butterfield

Austin, TX, USA
Ranger nick and bog turtle

Dr. Nick "Ranger Nick" Fuhrman

Atlanta, GA, USA
Danielle 20gould

Danielle Gould

New York, NY, USA
Tilghman th

Shirley Tilghman

Dr. ben goertzel   headshot

Ben Goertzel

Seattle, WA, USA
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