Meg mitchell

Dr. Margaret Mitchell

Seattle, WA, USA
Img 6159

Jon Lakefish

Adapt or Die with A.I.: Artificial Intelligence in Marketing & Branding

Seattle, WA, USA
Eugene capon professional

Eugene Capon

Seattle, WA, USA
Patrick condon

Patrick M. Condon

Vancouver, Canada
Jodi ann burey   6   outside

Jodi-Ann Burey

Seattle, WA, USA

Stephen Barrie

Seattle, WA, USA
John koetsier.png

John Koetsier

Vancouver, Canada
Swarochish goswami headshot

Swish (Manu) Goswami

Vancouver, Canada
Katholmes 4 web square 231

Kat Holmes

Seattle, WA, USA
Ryonck 1024x1024

Richard Yonck

Seattle, WA, USA

Audrey Watters

Seattle, WA, USA
Dr. ben goertzel   headshot

Ben Goertzel

Seattle, WA, USA

Joseph Sirosh

Computational Maps in the Visual Cortex

Seattle, WA, USA
Ryancalo 8 2 1

Ryan Calo

Seattle, WA, USA

Kevin Breel

Vancouver, Canada
Cropped jpg profile marina adshade1

Marina Adshade

Vancouver, Canada

Gillian Muessig

Seattle, WA, USA
Innovation speaker and author braden kelley

Braden Kelley

Charting Change: A Visual Toolkit for Making Change Stick

Seattle, WA, USA
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Ian Jukes

Vancouver, Canada
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