042522 mitch resnick aae headshot

Mitch Resnick

Cambridge, MA, USA
Gavin andresen web summit 710x458

Gavin Andresen

Amherst, MA, USA
63b05e56a87626e176c97dc983c0144abbec686c 4000x5337

Dava Newman

Boston, MA, USA
090320 pardis sabeti aae headshot

Pardis Sabeti

Cambridge, MA, USA
Bart sayle global authority in business culture leadership and innovation e1564220750162 1200x1200

Dr Bart Sayle

Boston, MA, USA
110210 silk fio

Fiorenzo Omenetto

Medford, MA, USA
301213 dennett 1

Daniel Dennett

Somerville, MA, USA
071921 vikram patel aae headshot

Vikram Patel

Boston, MA, USA
Barton seaver

Barton Seaver

Portland, ME, USA
112222 ron adner aae headshot

Ron Adner

Hanover, NH, USA

Youngme Moon

Boston, MA, USA

Josh Lerner

Boston, MA, USA
Janet echelman

Janet Echelman

Boston, MA, USA
Dan lyons photo by max jeffrey.jpg 940x460 1472658194

Dan Lyons

Boston, MA, USA
Cc institute gala 9 of 321

Michael B. Horn

Boston, MA, USA
Michael2 0

Michael Murphy

The Architecture of Health: Hospital Design and the Construction of Dignity

Boston, MA, USA
Sep 15 2017 mit engine staff headshots 0026 katie rae

Katie Rae

Boston, MA, USA

John Kenagy, MD, MPA

Massachusetts, USA
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Alison Sander

Boston, MA, USA
Charlie r hughes

Charlie Hughes

Massachusetts, USA
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