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Daniel Weiss  

President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Daniel H. Weiss, The Met’s President and Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for the overall leadership of the Museum, including establishing its key strategic, institutional, and capital priorities. He was appointed to the position in June 2017, after serving two years as the Museum’s President.

A scholar of art history and a seasoned leader of complex institutions, Weiss was previously President and Professor of Art History of Haverford College and, from 2005 to 2013 of Lafayette College. He holds an MBA from Yale and a PhD from Johns Hopkins University in western medieval and Byzantine art, where he joined the art history faculty and in six years rose to full professor and then chair of the department. Three years later, he became the James B. Knapp Dean of Johns Hopkins’s Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. He holds a BA in Art History and Psychology from The George Washington University.

The author of seven books and numerous articles, Weiss has published and lectured widely on a variety of topics, including the art of the Middle Ages and the Crusades, higher education, museums, and American culture. His most recent books include "Why the Museum Matters" (Forthcoming), "In That Time: Michael O’Donnell and the Tragic Era of Vietnam" (2019), and "Remaking College: Innovation and the Liberal Arts" (2013). Earlier in his career, Weiss spent four years as a management consultant at Booz, Allen & Hamilton in New York.

The recipient of fellowships from Harvard University, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, Weiss received the Business and Society Award from the Yale School of Management, the Van Courtlandt Elliott Award from the Medieval Academy of America for scholarship in medieval studies, the Distinguished Alumni Award from George Washington University, and he was inducted into the Society of Scholars at Johns Hopkins in 2018.

An elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Council on Foreign Relations, Weiss is Vice Chair of the Board of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, a member of the University Council at Yale, and a trustee of the Wallace Foundation, the Library of America, the Posse Foundation, and the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University.


As if He Isn't Busy Enough: Met Museum Head to Write Book - The ...
Daniel H. Weiss, who this month became the top official at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, has sold a book about America's experience in the Vietnam era to PublicAffairs, Mr. Weiss confirmed on Monday. “Having an intellectual life is important to me,” he said in a telephone interview. Mr. Weiss said he has already  ...

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