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Sara Taylor    

Former Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Political Affairs

Few people know the canvassing process like Sara Taylor does. Having spent 1999 and 2000 as coalitions director for President George W. Bush's Iowa caucus campaign, and done field work in the South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, and Illinois primaries, her familiarity with polling led her to the executive director's seat of the Michigan campaign.

Previously, Taylor had worked at the Tarrance Group, the northern Virginia polling firm served as the deputy assistant to the president and director of political affairs at the White House. As one of President Bush's top political advisors, Taylor frequently supported her fellow White House staff on legislative, policy and personnel matters. Taylor was the first Republican woman to serve as political director. Currently, Taylor is a partner at BlueFront Group, a consulting firm that brings together seasoned public affairs, advertising and political professionals to provide strategic services to corporations, trade associations, and issue coalitions.

A pollster with poise. During the 2004 campaign, Taylor served as a senior strategist helping to manage the campaign's message development, paid media strategy, opinion research, and strategic travel planning. She has been credited with helping advance many of the cutting edge marketing tools employed by the President's campaign. Taylor's experience during the first Bush term included serving as an associate director for Midwestern States in the Political Affairs office. She speaks about her time spent in the field, stemming from when she first joined the President's team in April of 1999, and her efforts to set up his Iowa Caucus effort and manage the 2000 general election campaign in the state of Michigan.

From the political field, not just the inside track. Before that arduous task, Taylor was the director of operations and a research analyst for the The Tarrance Group, a strategic consulting and survey research firm whose actionable findings lead to evaluating issues and situations, using research data to develop projects, and helping position hundreds of successful political campaigns, corporations, public affairs organizations and non-profits.

Taylor has more than 10 years of experience in state and national politics, and is a respected both as a top strategist and skilled field operator. She is a frequent guest speaker on national political trends for party organizations and business and civic groups.

Among the presentations she focuses on with audiences are the way polling trends have varied throughout the years, what helps to win a presidential race from the field as well as from the inside track, and what to look for during this upcoming election year. She speaks with savvy and with fierce intelligence, and uses her immense success as a pollster as a reference place. This presentation would also pair well with Douglas Sosnik, whose own efforts in politics act as a Democratic bookend to Sara Taylor's.


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