Displaying 1 - 20 of 850 speakers
070122 issa rae aae headshot

Issa Rae

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Guerrero diane

Diane Guerrero

New York, NY, USA
Viola davis

Viola Davis

Viola Davis on Speaking Up, Challenging Stereotypes

Los Angeles, CA, USA
020521 spike lee aae headshot

Spike Lee

Brooklyn, NY, USA
022723 ava duvernay aae headshot

Ava DuVernay

How Film Changes the Way We See the World | Ava DuVernay | TED

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Amandla Stenberg

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Ray Kurzweil

The Singularity Is Nearer

Boston, MA, USA
Mv5bmwuwywy5ztqtowu4zc00zmrjlwe5y2itm2vjnjkyzge0yzblxkeyxkfqcgdeqxvymtexnzqzmde0. v1

Lena Waithe

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Gabrielle union 1 2000

Gabrielle Union

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Janelle monae power of women variety 1 16x9 1 e1600995228612

Janelle MonĂ¡e

Los Angeles, CA, USA
004 cousteau 013 medium

Alexandra Cousteau

Angers, France
042524 tiffany shlain aae headshot

Tiffany Shlain

San Francisco, CA, USA
041624 levar burton aae headshot

LeVar Burton

Los Angeles, CA, USA
700e9994 1f9a 42fe 8b23 414c186e1824 928501 tablet landscape 3 2

Ali Wong

Ali Wong Wins Female Actor In A Limited Series, Anthology Series

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Jeff orlowski biography

Jeff Orlowski-Yang

Boulder, CO, USA
664c9cf6 e1ee 4537 ad79 5ad921f4ae05 peter guber

Peter Guber

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Matthewluhn03 1 1024x1024 circle

Matthew Luhn

Emeryville, CA, USA
Gina rodriguez 4

Gina Rodriguez

Los Angeles, CA, USA
23 jessica williams.w700.h700

Jessica Williams

New York, NY, USA

Aubrey Plaza

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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