010621 nikki giovanni aae headshot

Nikki Giovanni

‘Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project’ Review: An Afrofuturist Space Odyssey

Virginia, USA
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Shannon Miller

Jacksonville, FL, USA

Jenn Lim

San Francisco, CA, USA
041521 afdhel aziz aae headshot

Afdhel Aziz

Good Is the New Cool Guide to Personal Purpose: Designing a Meaningful and Prosperous C...

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Updated jr

J.R. Martinez

Austin, TX, USA
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Marilyn Tam

Speaking Reel - Marilyn Tam - YouTube

Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Keith L. Brown

Keith L. Brown

Atlanta, GA, USA

Shayla Rivera

College Station, TX, USA
012523 joan lunden aae headshot

Joan Lunden

New York, NY, USA
101023 art smith aae headshot

Art Smith

Jacksonville, FL, USA
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Judy Smith

Judy Smith - Career Advice

Washington, DC, USA
030723 laurie hernandez aae headshot

Laurie Hernandez

New Jersey, USA
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Shawn Johnson East

Nashville, TN, USA
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Amanda Beard

Seattle, WA, USA
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Kylar Broadus

Washington, DC, USA
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Shawn Harper

The Winologist: From the locker room to the board room

Columbus, OH, USA
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Pat Williams

Orlando, FL, USA

Jim Carroll

What's in store for the meetings and events industry in 2024?

Toronto, Canada
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Liz Dozier

Chicago, IL, USA
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Vince Papale

Jupiter, FL, USA
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