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Bay Buchanan    

Real Estate Agent, Author, Political Analyst & Former U.S. Treasurer

Angela "Bay" Buchanan began her political career as the national Treasurer of Ronald Reagan's presidential campaigns in 1980 and 1984. This position catapulted her into a distinguished career beginning in 1981 when President Reagan appointed her to be Treasurer of the United States. At the age of 32, she was the youngest person to hold that position since it was established in 1775.

Buchanan served as the campaign chairman for all three of her brother Pat Buchanan's presidential campaigns. In 2008, she served as a senior advisor to Mitt Romney. From September 1996 through August 1999, she co-anchored "Equal Time," a political talk show initially on CNBC, then on MSNBC. In addition, she worked as a political analyst for "Good Morning America" throughout the general election in 1992. From 1996 to 1997, Buchanan hosted a two-hour radio talk show program that covered current events. In the summer of 1996, George magazine recognized her as one of the top 20 political women in the nation. The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute named Bay Buchanan the 2007 Woman of the Year.

Currently, Buchanan is a political analyst who is often seen on CBS's Morning Show, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. She writes a regular column for Human Events Online, is the president of The American Cause, an educational foundation dedicated to advancing traditional conservative issues, and is co-chairman of Team America. Buchanan has authored two books: The first, "The Extreme Makeover of Hillary (Rodham) Clinton," in which she writes about Hillary Clinton, was published in 2007; her second book, "Bay and Her Boys," deals with her experiences as a single mom and was published in 2012. Buchanan also works as a real estate agent with McEnearney Associates.

A native of Washington, DC, Buchanan has a Masters degree in mathematics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. In 1981, she received an Honorary Doctor of Law Degree from Samford University.

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Culture Wars: Can We Survive Them?

Bay & Her Boys: Unexpected Lessons I Learned as a (Single) Mom

In her newest book, Bay & Her Boys: Unexpected Lessons I Learned as a (Single) Mom, conservative political commentator Bay Buchanan shares the real meaning of family values—the joys, struggles, and lessons she experienced as a single mother to three sons. She elaborates on this theme in her presentation of the same name, sharing personal anecdotes as well as her hope to change the national dialogue about single working moms. Regardless of political affiliation, Buchanan hopes to stand with and inspire all mothers, while arming them with the tools to help their children succeed in life.

The Issues Politicians Are Afraid To Talk About

Providing the savvy analysis of a campaign insider, political commentator Bay Buchanan—who has provided fascinating insights into TARP and other recent expansions and contractions of government power—points her critical political eye at the controversial topics that politicians are simply too scared to talk about. With her trademark candor and the wisdom of a seasoned campaign strategist, she offers a stimulating look at what’s to come in the 2012 election season.

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