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Chris Duffy          

Comedian, Television Writer, and Radio & Podcast Host of "How to Be a Better Human"

Chris Duffy is a comedian, television writer, and radio/podcast host. Aside from his comedy prowess, Duffy is also recognized for his hosting role on TED's popular podcast, "How to Be a Better Human," where he explores unexpected paths to self-improvement, offering sharp insights and fresh ideas for how we can show up for one another. His presence in the media is substantial, with appearances on "Good Morning America," ABC News, NPR, and National Geographic Explorer. His writing skills were also put to good use for both seasons of "Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas" on HBO, a show executive- produced by John Oliver.

Duffy's creativity is not just confined to television and radio. He forged a partnership with LabX at the National Academy of Sciences to create and host the innovative streaming game show "Wrong Answers Only." As part of this unique show, three comedians are tasked with guessing the daily activities of a leading scientist.

In addition to his work in the media, Duffy is also an accomplished live performer. He has entertained audiences in a wide range of venues, from the grandeur of a sold-out Lincoln Center to the intimacy of a walk-in closet (also sold out). Beyond his entertainment career, Duffy also has experience in education, having been both a fifth-grade teacher and a fifth-grade student.

Speech Topics

Comedy as a Teaching Tool

Laughter has the remarkable ability to break down mental barriers, allowing us to perceive information from fresh perspectives. Comedy serves as a potent tool to captivate students and infuse the process of learning with enjoyment and lasting memories. Duffy offers practical techniques to effortlessly incorporate comedy into your classes and presentations. Instead of relying on scripted jokes or trite routines, this speech focuses on genuine reactions to the present moment and acknowledging your audience's experience, forging a profound connection.

How to be a better human (or at least try!)

Chris Duffy shares the wisdom gained from interviewing self-improvement experts and helps you apply it to your daily life. Either in an interactive format, or as a keynote, audiences engage in insightful discussions, multimedia prompts, and personal reflection to overcome professional and personal challenges. Embracing open and honest conversations that prioritize growth and personal development, audience are never disappointed.

There's A Joke In There Somewhere - How To Fill Your Life With Laughter

As the host of TED's "How to Be a Better Human" podcast, Chris Duffy has had the privilege of hearing from countless experts about the profound significance of joy and human connection. Being a standup comedian himself, he is constantly immersed in the world of laughter and its ability to bring people together. In this enlightening, thought-provoking, and uproariously funny talk, Chris will unveil his personal repertoire of techniques for infusing humor into the most unexpected aspects of life, all while highlighting the remarkable benefits that come with forging connections through laughter. Whether you consider yourself a comedic genius or the most introverted person in the room, you will surely depart armed with invaluable insights and practical advice to unlock the profound joy of hearty laughter in your day-to-day existence.

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