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Dr. Roni Ellington  

Professor of Math Education, Public Speaker; Transformational Facilitator & CEO of Transforming STEM Network

Dr. Roni Ellington is a nationally recognized transformative trans-disciplinary scholar, researcher, STEM leader, and professional development expert. With over 25 years of experience, she has focused on STEM education, parental involvement, STEM professional development, and navigating the STEM pipeline for minority students. Dr. Ellington, a Professor of Mathematics Education, has authored numerous scholarly articles and book chapters on these topics. She has presented her research at various national conferences and has been a featured speaker for many prestigious organizations. Additionally, she is an active principal investigator on several NSF-funded projects and has collaborated with esteemed institutions like the American Institutes of Research.

In her work, Dr. Ellington emphasizes the importance of culturally responsive teaching, equity and diversity in STEM education, and transformative practices in mathematics and STEM education. She has also contributed to publications that highlight parental participation for African American students and foster computational thinking among underrepresented students in STEM.

Speech Topics

An Angry Black Woman’s Rant on the Future of STEM Education

In her TED talk, "An Angry Black Woman's Rant on the Future of STEM Education," Dr. Roni Ellington passionately addresses the lack of diversity in STEM disciplines and the persistent barriers that students of color face in accessing and succeeding in these fields. She highlights the leaky STEM pipeline, which disproportionately excludes students of color, and criticizes the slow progress in diversifying STEM education.

Dr. Ellington introduces the Transformative Framework for STEM Education, developed by herself in 2019, as a strategic tool for educators to address the inequities in STEM education. This framework offers practical strategies for educators to actively engage and support students of color in STEM disciplines, fostering a more inclusive learning environment.

By challenging educators to confront the systemic biases and barriers in STEM education, Dr. Ellington urges them to embrace the Transformative Framework and take concrete steps towards creating a more equitable and diverse STEM community. Her message resonates as a call to action for educators to prioritize inclusivity and accessibility in STEM education, empowering students of color to thrive and contribute to the future of STEM innovation.

Moving DEI from the Margins to the Center of OUR Classroom Practice

In her talk, "Moving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from the Margins to the Center of OUR Classroom Practice: Transforming who we are and how we Approach Our Work to Achieve Equitable Outcomes," Dr. Roni Ellington delves into the crucial importance of prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion in classroom practices. She emphasizes the need to shift these concepts from the periphery to the core of educational settings to achieve equitable outcomes for all students.

Dr. Ellington introduces the Transformative Framework, which serves as a guiding principle for educators to transform their approaches and ensure inclusivity in classroom environments. This framework provides educators with practical strategies to engage with diversity, equity, and inclusion in their teaching practices, ultimately creating a more equitable and supportive learning space for all students.

By challenging educators to reevaluate their practices and center diversity, equity, and inclusion in their work, Dr. Ellington prompts a call to action for a fundamental shift in the educational landscape. Her talk serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility to create an environment where all students feel seen, heard, and valued, ultimately leading to more equitable outcomes in education.

Realizing the Dream through Access, Opportunity & Inclusion in STEM: Moving Beyond Strategies to Unprecedented Results

In her dynamic presentation, "Realizing the Dream through Access, Opportunity and Inclusion in STEM: Moving Beyond Strategies to Unprecedented Results," for the University of Maryland's Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Black History Month celebration event, Dr. Roni Ellington seamlessly weaves together the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with the imperative of diversity and inclusion in education. Harnessing the energy of the title, Dr. Ellington captivates her audience with the vision of achieving transformational outcomes through access, opportunity, and inclusion in STEM fields.

Through her talk, Dr. Ellington emphasizes the enduring relevance of Dr. King's message of justice and equality, urging listeners to reflect on the transformative power of aligning these values with the challenges and possibilities in today's educational landscape. By merging Dr. King's principles with actionable strategies within her Transformative Framework for STEM Education, she inspires educators and students to amplify their impact in creating more inclusive and equitable learning environments.

With a call to action grounded in Dr. King's vision, Dr. Ellington empowers her audience to channel their energy towards realizing unprecedented results in STEM education. By infusing the spirit of access, opportunity, and inclusion into their educational practices, she inspires individuals to actively contribute to the cultivation of a more just, equitable, and vibrant STEM community.

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