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Vicki Lei    

Christian Speaker, Musical Performer & Author

Vicki Lei became musical at age two, church pianist by age eight, and professional musician by age seventeen. She became a Believer in Christ at the age of five.

Lei's Christian family fell apart after the death of her mother when she was twenty-eight years old. She has lived a suffering path. It is no accident. Her testimony is rich in wisdom and earthly insight along with Biblical teaching.

Lei teaches and speaks almost daily on You Tube (Vicki Lei), creates documentaries and original music.

Lei is extremely prophetic, is urging to church to pivot in this new era with little time on the clock. The Rapture is approaching. God's people need to move out as never before, prepare for times unlike any other and trust God with a faith like never before. She hearkens to American history and keeps a keen eye on the trends internationally. She has spoken via internet in Pakistan, Uganda and has contacts in Sambia, Africa. Our missionary dollars have taken root. The next generation is on the field. Our missionary dollars will need to quadruple.

She teaches daily Christ suffered untold brutality to redeem us. That gift of salvation and redemption is given to all who will receive."

Speech Topics

The Coming Times and Why the Church Should Prepare Itself

Events are about to unfold with astonishing speed. The old era is ending. The way The Body of Christ - especially in major countries - has existed will change radically. The Body of Christ must prepare in every way, trust like never before and march forward fearlessly. God will supernaturally provide with each step.

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