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Colin and Samir            

Youtube Creators and Podcasting Duo

Colin Rosenblum and Samir Chaudry, known collectively as Colin and Samir, are rooted in the creator economy, setting benchmarks for viral success long before the sector's emergence. Equipped with expertise in storytelling, community building, and creative entrepreneurship, they bring over a decade of experience in constructing online media companies as well as advising founders on maintaining a balance between creative output and business requirements. Their unique perspective on creators, viewing them as millions of small businesses, is a testament to their knack for transforming content into commerce and keeping subscribers engaged.

From their talk show format, labelled as a "masterclass" by fans, to their two podcasts, a secondary YouTube channel showcasing their miscellaneous and extra videos, and their twice-weekly newsletter, Colin and Samir have effectively grown their fanbase to over 1 million followers across platforms. They created a welcoming space where creators and guests can discuss their experiences in the industry with absolute candor. Their newsletter, The Publish Press, features curated stories, expert content, and the latest news from the creator economy.

Far from being solely content makers, Colin and Samir have insights into the creation and sustenance of a tight-knit community. Their methods prove beneficial not only for individual influencers but also for corporations aiming to retain employees and develop a robust corporate culture. They've collaborated with companies such as Shopify, StoryBlocks, and Samsung. Their shift from content creation to community building stands as a pivotal factor in their success, as it has enabled them to pioneer a path that few envisioned. Retrospecting their own hurdles, they've established an ecosystem to bolster creative entrepreneurs, centered around the ethos of delivering content "about Creators, for Creators."

In addition to their online presence, Colin and Samir have carried their storytelling skills into the realm of branded content production and filmmaking. Based in Downtown Los Angeles, they are award-winning creators in this space. Furthermore, they've started their own company, focusing on the development of original formats and the production of unscripted content for various platforms. This venture allows them to collaborate with online creators, athletes, and brands, continuing the narrative they started in 2012 when they first met while building and selling a digital sports network.

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