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Lizzy Savetsky      

Social Media Influencer & Jewish Activist

Lizzy Savetsky is a digital influencer who uses her platform to advocate for causes that are close to her heart. She shares her journey of fashionable motherhood on her social media channels, often featuring her two young daughters and baby boy.

Lizzy is an outspoken activist for Israel and the Jewish people and works with numerous non-profit, philanthropic movements to support her people and homeland. As a result, she was asked to serve as an Honorary Grand Marshal for the Celebrate Israel Parade.

Lizzy founded the “Real Love, Real Loss” movement on social media to destigmatize pregnancy loss for Jewish women on a global level and single-handedly built a social media campaign to raise $57,000 for a Torah for the Israeli army in memory of the souls who never made it past the womb.

Most recently, Lizzy developed her IGTV series, BASHERT, to help Jewish singles find love. Her mission is to empower people to stand up for what they believe in and live a life of kindness and fulfillment.

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