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Arne Elias Corneliussen  

Explorer & Geopolitical Thinker

Arne Elias Corneliussen is a geopolitical advisor who supports business leaders, financial companies, and policy makers. He is a political scientist and he studied in the US, Egypt, and Chile. He traveled around the world from a young age, and possesses a broad and deep global understanding of geopolitical and strategic events and dynamics. He is the founder and chief executive officer of NRCI – a geopolitical advisory firm he established in Oslo, Norway, in 2010.

Corneliussen traveled to more than 125 countries, and he conducted a wide range of long overland fact-finding expeditions alone by bus, train, and car across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America where he mapped geopolitical, strategic and economic risks and opportunities. These overland factfinding expeditions gave him extraordinary geopolitical, strategic, and business insights.

He conducted 11 fact-finding expeditions to 42 countries on the African continent, and he traveled by public bus across 28 countries in western, southern, and eastern Africa. Furthermore, he also traveled on a fact-finding expedition by train, bus and car from Shanghai to Istanbul across China, Central Asia, and the Caucasus to map infrastructure developments, logistics clusters, and the geopolitical landscape along One Belt One Road, also called the New Silk Road, which China develops.

In the fall of 2022, he traveled by bus and train across 19 countries in eastern, southern, and western Europe and assessed geopolitical and strategic dynamics in Europe, and Europe’s future. Moreover, in 2023 and 2024, he traveled on a 5-month fact-finding expedition in southern and eastern Africa to assess geopolitical dynamics, and investment and business opportunities.

His global on the ground experience assessing geopolitical, strategic, and economic developments, combined with managing a geopolitical advisory firm for 15 years, make him uniquely experienced and highly knowledgeable about global geopolitical events and global affairs.

Corneliussen maintains close dialogue with a global network of informed contacts on all levels in academia, business, diplomacy, and governments. He is program chair, conference host, moderator, and keynote speaker at Norwegian Risk Forum – NRCI’s annual geopolitical conference focusing on geopolitical risks and business opportunities worldwide.

Corneliussen provides truly eye-opening, captivating, and highly insightful virtual and in-person keynote presentations, speaking engagements, and advisory sessions on geopolitics and global affairs. Corneliussen is also an insightful panelist on a range of topics, an engaging and thoughtful moderator, and a conference host able to provide extraordinary insights while leading memorable conferences and events. His geopolitical and strategic advice is sought-after among global companies, financial firms, and governments.

Speech Topics

The Future of AI, Geopolitics and Globalization

  • This captivating keynote address with key emerging and future trends of AI, maps future trends in geopolitics, globalisation and the global economy, and provides a strategic design of the future.

  • AI opens a new landscape of opportunities and risks, which NRCI´s founder and CEO Arne Elias Corneliusssen, examines in this captivating and thought-provoking keynote address.

  • Arne combines his extraordinary geopolitical, strategic and economic insights from his multiple overland fact-finding expeditions worldwide

  • Creative and innovative mindset on how companies, investors and fiancial companies should position for a future engulfed with geopolitical, strategic, economic and AI risks exacerbated by US – China decoupling tremors reverberating across industries, economies and countries.

Background, Scenarios and Implications of the Ukraine Crisis

Africa, Asia, the Middle East, China, One Belt One Road, the New Silk Road, Civilications, Risk, Geopolitical Risks, Global Affairs, Overland Expeditions, How to plan and conduct long overland expeditions

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