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Becky Sansbury  

Hospice chaplain and business owner reveals resilience secrets based on life after the shock

As a chaplain for 14 years, Becky Sansbury walked and talked with hundreds of people who were “rocked by shock”.

She followed that work with coaching professionals whose careers were derailed by the recession.

Inspired by the wisdom and experiences of these amazing, courageous people, Becky created “After the Shock”. This process equips individuals and organizations to move from reaction to resilience, regardless of the circumstances.

Becky’s keynotes and workshops are filled with humor, grit and crisis-tested know how, providing both quick tips and long term processes for building resilience. In times of crisis, she consults directly with leaders and organizations.

Becky has been interviewed by numerous radio and TV stations for her work with crisis and resilience. Most recently she was sought out by CBS affiliate WRAL-TV following the tragedy in Newtown, CT. Based on that broadcast, the radio show “Courage Cocktail” conducted a thirty minute in-depth interview with Becky, focusing on not only the immediate tragedy, but also steps for recovery.


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