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Henry J. Evans  

Author, speaker, teacher, husband and father to two wonderful girls, Henry J. Evans has dreamt of leaving the rat race since the first day he took a job.

Henry grew up in Youngstown, New York (population 1,872), where he learned how to program a Radio Shack Color Computer at age 8. He was the first student in his entire school district to do a report printed on a home PC in the 5th grade (after his cat erased it and made him start over). His very first job was working for the world’s most famous investor, Warren Buffett. Actually, Henry began his sales and marketing training “on the streets,” selling the “Buffalo Evening News” at age 14 – that paper is still owned by Warren Buffett.

He achieved success as a leader within software companies, hardware companies, commercial real estate firms, and manufacturing organizations. He has personally sold, and led teams that have sold, everything from newspapers to office buildings, kitchen remodeling to enterprise software licenses – and even kitchen cutlery.

Henry has excelled in all of these due to a unique combination of sales and marketing savvy, technological aptitude, and a very positive attitude.

He was responsible for generating more than $10 million in software sales from a start-up, and has been involved in million dollar product launches. His experience spans from the heart of Washington, D.C., successfully selling to the Executive Office of the President of the United States, to working with a gaming store in Vista, CA that had announced its closing. That store is now one of the most successful gaming stores in the country.

Henry is passionate about helping more than one million entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs achieve financial and time freedom so they can leave the rat race.

Henry currently manages and runs three different businesses, has created more than 15 web sites, and has taken more than 10 products to market.


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