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Chris Kuenne      

Founder of Rosetta & Rosemark Capital, Lecturer at Princeton, Best-Selling Author

Chris Kuenne is the founder of Rosetta and Rosemark Capital. Initially, he began his career as a Brand Manager at Johnson & Johnson, where he introduced innovations to the Band-Aid brand. In 1998, Kuenne founded Rosetta, a digital marketing company that he grew over the next 12 years to reach $575 million in annual revenues and 1,200 employees. Rosetta became the largest privately held digital marketing firm in the world before being acquired by the Publicis Groupe in 2011.

Following this venture, in 2014, Kuenne founded Rosemark Capital, a private equity firm that invests in founding teams seeking growth capital to accelerate enterprise value by driving customer engagement. He applies growth techniques developed at Rosetta to companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500, enhancing their market positioning and enterprise value.

Kuenne also serves as a lecturer at Princeton University, where he teaches High-Tech Entrepreneurship. He has co-authored the Wall Street Journal and Amazon best-selling book "Built For Growth," which explores how the personality of company founders affects their business's success. This research has identified four types of Builder Personality: the Driver, Explorer, Crusader, and Captain. Aside from his teaching duties, Kuenne often presents on topics such as "Are You Built for Growth? It’s Job One" and "From 0 to $575M in Value in 13 Years: A New Business Builder’s Approach to Breakaway Growth & Enterprise Value Acceleration," sharing actionable insights based on his extensive experience.

Kuenne graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in History and holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School. His dynamic speaking style and the practical wisdom he imparts make him a sought-after educator in the field of entrepreneurship and growth.


Buy Built for Growth by Chris Kuenne, John Danner. 9781633692763
Built for Growth decodes the interplay between builder personality and new business success. Using a patented analytic methodology, authors Chris Kuenne  ...
Christopher B. Kuenne: Executive Profile & Biography - Bloomberg
Mr. Christopher B. Kuenne, also known as Chris, serves as the Founder, Managing Director, Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer at Rosemark Smart ...
Chris Kuenne (Author of Built for Growth)
Chris Kuenne is the author of Built for Growth (4.50 avg rating, 10 ratings, 4 reviews)

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