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Thaddeus Russell  

Historian and Cultural Critic

Thaddeus Russell has re-written the story of America with A Renegade History of the United States.

Known as the “badass” professor for his incendiary lectures, Russell stuns his audiences with what one critic calls a “helter-skelter tour through the American past” that “will make you gasp and make you question the writing of ‘history as usual.’” Drunkards, laggards, prostitutes, and pirates were the real heroes of the American Revolution. Slaves created a culture that was the envy of “free” Americans. Prostitutes, not feminists, won women’s liberation. White people lost their rhythm when they became good Americans. Without organized crime, we might not have Hollywood, Las Vegas, legal alcohol, birth control, or gay rights. Zoot-suiters and rock-and-rollers, not generals or the Air Force, brought down the Soviet Union. And Britney Spears will win the war on terror.

Rather than the “great men” revered by conservatives or the radical icons of left-wing histories, Russell shows that it was the “degenerate” and “immoral” people on the fringes of society who made America the land of the free. Our history was driven by clashes between those interested in preserving social order and those more interested in pursuing their own desires — insiders versus outsiders, “good citizens” versus the “bad.” The more that “bad” people existed, resisted, and won, the greater was our common good.

Forget the history you learned in textbooks and class — this renegade historian will upend everything you believe about the American past.

Speech Topics

How American Business Won the Cold War And Why It Will Win The War On Terror.

We can win the War on Terror, just as we won the Cold War, without firing a shot. Today, most of the top-40 songs in the Middle East are American or Arabic hip-hop. American TV shows are raining down from satellites onto Muslim households across the region. Every day, more young Muslims wear Western styles than the day before. Polls show that Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Lady Gaga are more popular in Iran than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Ayatollah Khameini. This is the same revolution that killed communism. And the mullahs know that it will kill them too. All we have to do to win the War on Terror is drop our guns and let our most powerful weapon, the renegade freedom of popular culture, do the job for us.

Finding Emerging Markets At The “Bottom” Of Society.

Where can we find the origins of many of today’s largest and most important consumer markets? By looking to the very bottom of American history: the prostitutes of the 19th century who were the first to wear cosmetics and brightly-colored clothes; the 1920s gangsters who helped establish the popular music and movie industries; and the juvenile delinquents of the 1950s who made blue jeans and sneakers fashionable. Today, we can find tomorrow’s hottest markets by looking where many fear to go.


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