030524 daymond john aae headshot

Daymond John

New York, NY, USA
053024 van jones aae headshot

Van Jones

Los Angeles, CA, USA
062623 earvin magic johnson aae headshot

Earvin “Magic” Johnson

Los Angeles, CA, USA
100323 barbara corcoran aae headshot

Barbara Corcoran

New York, NY, USA

Sallie Krawcheck

New York, NY, USA
012224 randi zuckerberg aae headshot

Randi Zuckerberg

New York, NY, USA
091823 cassandra worthy aae headshot

Cassandra Worthy

Atlanta, GA, USA

Ray Kurzweil

The Singularity Is Nearer

Boston, MA, USA
Peterdiamandis headshot

Peter Diamandis

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sophiaamorusoheadshot   sophia amoruso

Sophia Amoruso

Los Angeles, CA, USA
031623 billie jean king aae headshot

Billie Jean King

The autobiography of Billie Jean King

New York, NY, USA
2 michio 2

Dr. Michio Kaku

New York, NY, USA
062422 chip conley aae headshot

Chip Conley

San Francisco, CA, USA
Mv5bmwuwywy5ztqtowu4zc00zmrjlwe5y2itm2vjnjkyzge0yzblxkeyxkfqcgdeqxvymtexnzqzmde0. v1

Lena Waithe

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Reshma saujani

Reshma Saujani

New York, NY, USA
032224 richardflorida aae headshot 3 credzanetti

Richard Florida

The Great Reset: How the Post-Crash Economy Will Change the Way We Live and Work

Toronto, Canada
Habits and routines of dan ariely tomas laurinavicius

Dan Ariely

Durham, NC, USA
051023 sara blakely aae headshot

Sara Blakely

Atlanta, GA, USA
 112528496 gettyimages 1167954498

Carly Fiorina

Alexandria, VA, USA
Oprah winfrey arrives at the premiere of owns david makes news photo 1678107172

Oprah Winfrey

Chicago, IL, USA
Nup 170891 0187 final white headshot

Andy Cohen

Andy Cohen reacts to his infamous New Year’s Eve rant

New York, NY, USA
Cynt 20marshall 20  20you e2 80 99ve 20been 20chosen11060

Cynthia Marshall

Dallas, TX, USA

Baratunde Thurston

Baratunde In Media

Brooklyn, NY, USA
1200px richard branson march 2015  28cropped 29

Sir Richard Branson

Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands
Rent the runway ipo jennifer hyman full

Jennifer Hyman

New York, NY, USA
032724 amy purdy aae headshot

Amy Purdy

Denver, CO, USA
Janelle monae power of women variety 1 16x9 1 e1600995228612

Janelle Monáe

Los Angeles, CA, USA
45660 022 gloriaa crop 2.rev.1680890405

Gloria Allred

Los Angeles, CA, USA
010824 bill nye aae headshot

Bill Nye

Los Angeles, CA, USA
Chorus recode media gary vaynerchuk 01

Gary Vaynerchuk

The Thank You Economy

New York, NY, USA
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