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Maya Feller          

Founder of Maya Feller Nutrition

Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN, CLC is founder of Maya Feller Nutrition, a private nutrition practice that translates the latest in nutritional science into manageable and sustainable, daily healthful eating for families and individuals. The practice’s philosophy focuses on food as a remedy for diet related chronic conditions and aids us in living fuller and longer lives.

She has extensive on-camera experience with major national television shows including ABC’s "Good Morning America" where she is a contributor.

Maya earned a Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition from New York University and completed her clinical nutrition rotations at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in affiliation with NYU. She has taught nutrition at her alma mater and other area colleges, and lectured at nutrition symposia in New York City. After completing her training, Maya established a NYC DOHMH funded Food and Nutrition Program in an outpatient community setting where she served as the program manager and counseled patients. She is based in New York City.

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