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Carlos Jiménez        

Market Trends Expert; Business Strategist; Author of "Global Clients" & "Internet and Business"

Carlos Jiménez is a keynote speaker and consultant who specializes in consumer trends and strategies for business growth and transformation. With almost thirty years of experience as a market researcher and consultant, he has accompanied successful companies and entrepreneurs in responding to changes in the environment through the design of business and marketing strategies and the adoption of technology and digital media.

Based on statistical data and a deep knowledge of the Latin American market and the digital environment, Jiménez supports his clients with actionable recommendations, some of them supported by the execution of workshops with the client's work teams.

Jiménez has spoken at conferences (+500) in more than 10 countries in Latin America, the United States, and Spain, speaking to more than 100,000 people in total. As part of his experience, he has written three books: "Analysis of the Competition," "Internet and Business," and "Global Customers," all available on Amazon, as well as more than 600 articles in several media in the region.

He has been a guest professor at IESA for more than twenty years and has been a professor for thirty years in different business and marketing subject matters (MBA, specialization, and executive education). Among the topics he teaches are: digital marketing strategies, digital business models, marketing in crisis, among others.

Speech Topics

Multigenerational marketing connect with different generations

This conference offers a complete vision of the different generations, their media consumption and their relationship with brands. Carlos Jiménez starts from the description of generations Z, Y or Millennials, X and Baby Boomers in terms of their year of birth, their purchasing power and their values ??and interests, which allows him to demystify many false beliefs about the so-called Millennials and Zs, and, in addition, to identify the main differences between the different generations in such a way as to propose communication strategies and marketing initiatives that really connect with the consumers of each one of them.

Keys to compete in an omnichannel world the transformation of retail

In this conference, Carlos Jiménez offers a vision of the main trends identified in the retail sector at an international level, describing the main changes experienced by the retail industry and the most recent innovations in different elements such as stores, payment processes, marketing, etc. It also shows how to coexist with e-commerce through omnichannel. The conference offers an overview of the best practices in the industry, illustrating them with examples to help companies in the commerce sector that undertake planning or innovation processes.

Businesses on the internet: converting visitors into loyal customers

Competing successfully in today's markets requires that companies know how to use electronic means, but above all that they have a comprehensive understanding of them and what particularities must be taken into account depending on the business objectives, the activity sector and the audience characteristics. In this conference Carlos Jiménez is based on the concepts of his book Global Customers to offer a complete vision of the main elements that must be considered when designing a digital strategy for the business, going through digital properties, SEO, interactive advertising and social media.

It's time for digital transformation

Based on the characteristics of current markets, digital transformation has become a competitive imperative, which is why today we necessarily find ourselves with two types of companies: the so-called pure players or companies that arise from the Internet and, therefore, they use technology in their processes and, a second type of companies: those that must necessarily undertake a digital transformation. This conference is aimed at those companies that want to understand digital transformation and guide their change processes. In it, Carlos Jiménez offers a description of current markets and the role of technology in business, as well as suggestions to address the digital transformation of companies. Business.

Digital Trends in Latin America

Based on the market research carried out by Tendencias Digitales in Latin America, Carlos Jiménez offers in this conference an overview of the Internet, describing the main changes observed in the use of the Internet in the region. The conference analyzes the role of the Internet as a medium and as a market and presents a review of the digital trends that characterize the digital world in Latin America, allowing companies to identify opportunities. The conference can be customized according to the country and sector of activity of your business.

Market trends and opportunities for companies

Based on an in-depth analysis of market research carried out in Latin America and secondary studies that allow us to know where the markets are going, in this conference, Carlos Jiménez describes the main trends in the global market, how consumers behave in the face of these trends and what they are doing companies to take advantage of the opportunities that are represented. It also includes illustrative examples of each of the trends, as well as practical suggestions for business. Generally, the conference is customized to the client's sector of activity or country to facilitate its understanding and applicability.

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