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Jennifer Corbin    

Professional Certified Coach speaks on personal and professional development in keynotes, seminars and interactive programs.

Before launching my coaching career in 1995, I worked in large law firms for over 10 years in operations, management, training and information technology positions.  On the side, starting at the age of 18, I created several businesses that hit a brick wall. In 1995, I decided to become the person that entrepreneurs went to when they hit a brick wall. In time I learned that what I was doing was called coaching and began "officially" coaching some attorneys, at their urging, who were launching new projects. There were fewer than 500 coaches in the world back then.

I received my formal training from Coach U and started working in the coaching profession in 1996 for Coach U as its first employee. I have been involved as a principle from the conceptual stage to generating several million dollars in annual revenue. I have a successful track record in the field of coaching, coach training, business administration and marketing. I attribute my success in business to taking creative and unconventional approaches while relying on common sense, education and training, intuition, integrity and systems experiences.

At first glimpse, you might consider me to be reserved, practical, thorough and grounded... However, once we get to know each other better, this assessment will slightly change when you get acquainted with other qualities: creative, efficient, irreverent (who says? why? why not? what rule?), a bit of a maverick/non-conformist and down to earth (in other words, let's just tell it like it is...).

In my free time, I can be found traveling, learning, experiencing, exploring, reading, writing and laughing. I also have strong interest in meditation, yoga, Chinese medicine and other alternative healing methods.

If you decide that you'd like to work with me, please show up as you are. Whether you decide to receive coaching services or to participate in a workshop, you will see that I strive to create a safe and supportive environment so that you can fully express who you are and what you think without judgment.  


-Master Certified Coach (MCC) with the International Coach Federation. 

-Jumpstart Mentor Coach, Professional Mentor Coach (PMC) & Certified Mentor Coach (CMC)

-Certified Coach U Graduate

-Coach U Faculty/Senior Trainer

-Licensed Coaching Clinic for Corporate Managers™ Facilitator

-Licensed Personal Communications Styles Inventory™ Facilitator

-Certified Personal Foundation Specialist™

-Licensed Heartmath Facilitator

-Current San Diego Coach U Chapter Host (Former Chicagoland Chapter Host of the International Coach Federation and Coach U) 

-President of Coach U and Corporate Coach U 

-ACTO Board Member (Association of Coach Training Organizations) 

-National Speakers Association Member

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