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Larry Kryske  

Commander Larry Kryske, U.S. Navy (Ret.), develops victorious leaders who have vision, courage, and determination.

Commander Larry Kryske, U.S. Navy (Ret.), develops victorious leaders who have vision, courage, and determination. Larry Kryske works with people who want to create their finest hour and with organizations that want to be more successful. Larry Kryske has over thirty years of worldwide success leading men and women and building unstoppable teams. Larry Kryske was a career naval officer, private school administrator, and strategic planner.

Larry Kryske is President of his own, full-service leadership development business. Larry Kryske speaks nationwide on leadership, teamwork, and productivity. Larry Kryske has worked with clients in over 50 different industries. Larry Kryske has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Astronomy in 1971 from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and a Master of Science Degree in Applied Science in 1978 from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

Larry Kryske is author of the leadership books: Ready, BEGIN! Practical Strategies for Cultivating Courage, The Churchill Factors: Creating Your Finest Hour, and the leadership and teamwork book, The Greatest Board in the World. Larry is also a respected authority on the life of Sir Winston Churchill with over 40 years of study.

Commander Larry Kryske served in four warships, all in the Pacific Fleet. Larry Kryske also served on the Chief of Naval Operations' staff in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.; on the Defense Nuclear Agency staffs in Hawaii and Albuquerque, NM; and with Naval Intelligence in Japan. Larry Kryske was born in Mt. Vernon, New York, was raised in Los Angeles, California, lived all over the United States, and after Hurricane Katrina destroyed his home and separate office in Pascagoula on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, he and his wife relocated to Dallas, Texas.

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