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Jim Bearden  

Former Military Officer and Corporate Executive; "Unleashing Heroes at Work"

From military officer to corporate executive (twice), Jim Bearden has learned why some people step up and others don't. An advocate for the heroic effort, Jim helps leaders close the gap between what sounds good and what gets done: Jim works with companies to unleash the heroes in your midst.

Jim's many rich life experiences form the basis for his anecdotes, his humor, and most importantly, his insights. He's a decorated Vietnam Veteran and earned the Bronze Star Medal as a Marine rifle company commander.

Jim was a top sales producer and sales manager of The Raydio Group, increasing sales 23 percent in two years (the industry norm is 5 percent). As the VP of strategic development of an international tax consulting corporation, he saved clients over $2 billion.

He is the founder of his own successful business, Bearden Resource Group and has spoken to over 1,500 different audiences since 1988. He is also the past president of the National Speakers Association, Heart of Texas Chapter.

Jim is the author of "The Relentless Search for Better Way," a book about leadership and winning, and it's now in its third printing. He also co-authored "Good Business: Putting Spiritual Principles into Practice at Work."

Jim serves as a spiritual lay director, instituting and facilitating a weekly men's program at his parish for over 125 participants.

One of fewer than 500 speakers to earn the prestigious Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association, Jim has been a professional speaker for 24 years. During that time he has conducted training and delivered presentations for corporate audiences, trade and professional associations and government agencies in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Jim runs & bikes over 1,500 miles a year and has completed two marathons despite receiving near fatal injuries in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. He is a licensed pilot, a voracious reader, and by his own admission, a "pretty bad" golfer! Jim has been married 25 years, has three children and a granddaughter.

In his 42 years on the front lines, Jim has learned one thing: There is a hero inside of all of us looking for the opportunity to step up.

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