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Matthias Kroener    

Thought Leader & Entrepreneur

Matthias “mk” Kröner is a highly respected thought leader within the global financial services community when it comes to planning, building and operating disruptive and customer-centric banking business models. The tech enthusiast is one of few people worldwide who has co-founded two digital banks, serving them as entrepreneur and CEO.

Matthias “mk” Kroener was until March 31, 2019 CEO, co-founder and shareholder of Fidor Group, a Munich-headquartered digital and mobile bank and financial services technology provider. Under his leadership, Fidor has grown massively. Today, Fidor acts globally (running offices in Dubai, Munich, New York and Singapore), operates in BtoC and BtoB and has received a string of awards for its innervational capability. Before Fidor, mk co-created Europe’s first digital bank and online broker, DAB bank, and served as its CEO.

As a thought leader, mk is known as an inspirational keynote speaker. He is also a successful incubator for several highly innovative start-up companies.

The link between all of these roles is that mk is driven by a strong sense of purpose. His mission is to democratize consumers’ access to banking and self-determined finance management, using digital financial services to create sustainable values.

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