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Bruce Turkel    

Brand Management Guru

Bruce Turkel is a sought-after speaker on the subjects of branding, creativity, innovation, and leadership. An accomplished passionate presenter, he gladly shares easy-to-follow, proven steps for building brand value with his audiences. Turkel has an overarching theme for his talks: it’s “all about them.” Turkel instructs your audience members to focus on their customers, not their products or services, helping them open their minds and discover their creativity.

Drawing from his 30-plus years of ad agency experience, Turkel helps your audiences understand how to make their brands attractive to their customers, as well as how innovation can differentiate them from their competitors.

Turkel is captivating and insightful on stage. His unique presentations combine engaging wit, creative insights, thought-provoking ideas and smoking hot notes on his harmonica. Satisfied audiences from Turkel’s talks at MIT, Harvard, CHRIS and TEDx, and attendees at hundreds of corporate and industry events all agree that Turkel’s message, entertainment value, and inspiration stick around long after the session is over. That’s when your participants go back to work and think… differently.

Speech Topics

Defining Your Brand

BMW defines its brand essence with four words. Nike, GE and Wal-Mart use three. Barack Obama sold the most powerful product in the world with two: “Hope” and “Change.” In this multi-media speech, Bruce Turkel shows you how to reduce your brand message to its most practical, actionable, and compelling essence.

While they’re laughing, your audiences will also be learning:

  • The three universal branding myths that are holding your company back.
  • The simple difference that sets all great brands apart, and
  • How to develop this game-changing difference for your brand.

How to Shift from The Great Resignation to The Great Retention

According to FORTUNE Magazine, the Great Resignation has stunned many business owners and employers. Believe it or not, nearly two-thirds of U.S. workers are looking to change jobs or leave the workforce altogether. “Researchers have revealed turnover patterns that can explain why so many are quitting in droves right now. Employers looking to stop the exodus should pay attention: Much of the onus is on them to give workers better reasons to stay. Research has shown that people tend to quit their jobs after experiencing a “turnover shock”: a life event that precipitates self-reflection about one’s job satisfaction. Shocks can be positive, like grad school acceptance or a new baby, or negative, like a divorce or sick relative. Or they can be global catastrophes like COVID-19 that upend every aspect of daily life.” While many people might leave their jobs thanks to a blessed occasion or simply because they’re bored or looking for something new, that’s not always why we make changes. Sometimes change is forced on us by circumstances we’d rather not have to deal with. This is exactly what Bruce Turkel explores in his latest book, Is That All There Is? Real estate professionals call these circumstances the Seven Ds—Divorce, Downsizing, Disease, Disability, Disasters, Debt, and Death. Other than the blessings of a larger family or greater income, the Seven Ds are the main reasons people sell their homes and look for new places to live. They can also be the reasons why people finally decide to ditch their careers or their lifestyles and move on, especially if you add two more Ds—Dissatisfaction and Disappointment.

Audiences will learn:

  • Why workers are leaving their jobs in record numbers.
  • What actions employers can take to stop the exodus and retain their people.
  • How to replace a “change management” with a “growth management” mindset.
  • How purpose drives retention in the new world of work.

All About Them

Less than 10 years ago the key to selling yourself was to promote how great you were. If you didn’t blow your horn, who would? And unless you could afford a robust advertising campaign, selling yourself was the only way anyone could learn about you. Today everything’s changed. Today we each carry a thin wafer of silicon and glass that gives us immediate access to all the world’s knowledge. And all of your potential clients and customers have access to this same technology. This means they can know everything about you before they even step into your business. Success today requires you to turn the lens around and focus relentlessly on your customer. Bruce’s wildly entertaining presentation includes fascinating examples from Johann Sebastian Bach to The Wizard of Oz, from Andy Warhol’s excess to the Toyota Prius’ success, from the history of the Spanish Civil War to headlines ripped right out of today’s paper. Your audiences will be enlightened, entertained, and educated by Bruce’s talk. They’ll come away thanking you for a great event AND a great plan for their future.

And your audiences will learn:

  • How to uncover the motivations of today’s consumer.
  • The real leadership difference between features and benefits.
  • The critical difference between content and context, and how it can multiply your sales.
  • The special sales secrets that are hidden in plain sight.
  • Why the traditional “Speeds & Feeds” sales strategy does not work anymore.

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